
To The point acupuncture
About To The Point
“Acupuncture should become a standard part of the veterinary medical care system” – Dietrich

I have pursued an interest in using acupuncture in chronic pain and disease management for over 25 years. It is an underestimated and underused treatment in many conditions. It should become a standard part of an integrated medical (and veterinary medical) care system. It is at least earning ever wider acceptance in the medical / veterinary world.

My practice of acupuncture has continued to evolve through experience and a continuing interest in following the research (the “art” combined with the “science”). The methods I use are a blend of the classical Chinese approach (very palpation based) combining acupressure and TuiNa or manual body work with needle and laser acupuncture also based on the results of the emerging science. This method fosters the empathy connection between man & animal (between doctor & patient) that itself has a powerful effect on accepting the treatment and in general well being.

The vast majority of my patients respond exceptionally well to my approach. I rarely need to use a sedative for the anxious animal to receive acupuncture and they instead become “sedated” through the acupuncture treatment. It is a very satisfying treatment to offer due to the very positive feedback from clients and their animals.

I have invested a great deal of my professional time to acupuncture practice and teaching commitments for the ABVA (Association of British Veterinary Acupuncturists) and other CPD providers. I also have carried out some self funded research and published on acupuncture in peer reviewed journals: Veterinary Clinics of N America, Equine Veterinary Education, and Acupuncture in Medicine and will spend more time in acupuncture research as there is always more to discover and learn.

About Dietrich
Practicing acupuncture since 1998

Dietrich qualified at the Univ. of Georgia in 1982, practiced in Maryland until 1986; moved to the UK and founded an equine practice in Guildford in 1989.

His acupuncture interest began in the US and he became certified through the International Vet. Acupuncture Society (IVAS) in 1998. He is a past President of the Association of British Veterinary Acupuncturists and continues as its Education Director; he also served on the IVAS Ed. Committee and Board of Directors. He now has a referral acupuncture practice along with his teaching commitments. Besides his daily work he is involved in Vets with Horsepower, a charity fund raising for animal and children welfare organizations, and does so with a lot of joy and passion  (http://www.vetswithhorsepower.com)

He conducted and published pioneering research in the thermographic monitoring of autonomic responses to acupuncture in horses with chronic pain syndromes and in needle electromyographic recordings of myofascial trigger points in horses (Acupunc in Med, & Vet Clinics of NA, Equine Practice).

More recently he authored the papers “Electro-acupuncture for nerve injury in the horse” in Equine Vet Educ. 2014, and “Acupuncture for pain control” in the prestigious textbook Robinson’s Current Therapy in Equine Medicine, 7th ed., 2015.